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Hilti Anchor Program
User's Manual

2.0 Installation of HAP

2.1 System Requirements

Your computer must meet the following requirements before you can install HAP:

  • PC with Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher including Windows 95 or Windows NT
  • Intel 386 processor or newer (Intel 486 processor is recommended)
  • At least 4 MB of RAM (8MB of RAM recommended)
  • At least 5 MB free storage space on the hard drive
  • Mouse or other compatible pointing device
  • 3 1/2" HD floppy disk drive for installation

2.2 Installing HAP

The following procedure may be used to correctly install HAP onto your computer:

  • In Windows, go to program manager.
  • Insert the 3 1/2" HAP diskette into your computer's floppy disk drive.
  • Click on the "File" pull-down menu.
  • Select "Run".
  • Click on the "Browse" button.
  • Select your floppy disk drive.
  • Double click on the "setup.exe" file.
  • Select the language you would like to use to communicate with HAP.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions that are given.

2.3 Running HAP

The following procedure may be used to run HAP from your hard drive:

  • From Windows, open Program Manager.
  • Double click on the HAP icon.

2.4 Uninstalling HAP

The following procedure may be used to uninstall HAP from your hard drive:

  • From Windows, open Program Manager
  • Double click on the Uninstall HAP icon.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

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